First came the launch of the new website on April the 19th, which almost had to be delayed for a week, as our main computer decided not to start up anymore two days prior to the launching date (motherboard went bad). Luckily a reasonable replacement was at hand and in only 36 hours the temporary replacement was configured and the website was able to be launched on time. The replacement has "by the way" in the meantime also decided to break down, but as the permanent replacement has now arrived from New Zealand, it was no serious setback! So much to that.... now to the far more exiting part!
As you can see from the pictures, there has been good progress over the past weeks;
(Pictures explained from top)
In picture (1.) you can see the building that houses the four standard rooms, as well as the communal bathroom/toilet block, the communal kitchen and other utility rooms (about 80% complete).
Image (2.) shows part of the team busy painting the inside of the residence building (see the residence walls going up in the april the 7th blog entry).
On picture (3.) you can find out what we do at break time. Going with the motto... first work hard, then rest hard!!!
The wooden roofing shingles have arrived and as you can see on picture (4.), there are a lot of them and they all need to be attached one by one by one by one (by the way... the picture only show about half of the timber shingles).
But all the hard work (and overtime) are so worth it when one is rewarded at the end of the day, with such beautiful scenes as can be seen on picture (5.)!!!