We have finally made it, unfortunately 5 days behind schedule, but the construction is finally over!
There are still some units that need interior finishing and the garden need some more work, but overall the guests comments were: Cute fales, nice setup and great beach!
Other comments were: "In our shower... Hot is Cold and Cold is Hot" and "the ceiling fan in our room is blowing the air at the ceiling" and and things like that! These issues were fixed right away of course!!!
Yes, the gardens indeed are not yet again like they were at the old location, but (as I have been told) the beach makes more than up for it!
Below there are some pictures that show the final stages of the Restaurant roof as well as a sunset view, part of the construction team that stuck it out until the end, the restaurant by night and one pictures of part of the garden looking at the finished bungalows!
I'll also post pictures from the interiors as soon as they come available.